Sharing feedback, especially criticism, can be tough.
Delivered incorrectly and you can drain people’s energy and motivation, while vague praise does not help either.
Using a feedback planner can help you organize your thoughts before your meeting and is a useful tool for giving clear feedback. Like any new skill, it takes practice to use it effectively.
Listed below are the 4 steps to sharing effective feedback. Enjoy practicing!
Step 1: Describe Current Behaviours
Describe current behaviors that you want to reinforce (praise) or redirect (criticism) to improve a situation. Cite the person’s specific behaviors – what they actually said or did, rather than personal traits or habits. Then, focus on the impacts from this current behavior.
Step 2: Identify Situations
Identify the specific situation(s) where you observed these behaviors. Be factual with examples. Provide clear and specific situations when the current behavior was actually observed to substantiate behaviors. Base your information on direct observations and solid documentation of facts.
Step 3: Describe Impacts and Consequences
Describe the impacts and consequences of the current behaviors. Identify precise impacts on team functioning. Open a discussion on how to improve this behavior and be supportive.
Step 4: Identify Alternative Behaviours
Identify alternative behaviors and actions for you, the person, and others to take. Encourage the person to come up with alternative behaviors and action plans on his/ her own. Let the person retain responsibility and be more committed to a plan he/she helped create. Prepare to offer a few ideas of your own in case he/she asks for help. Brainstorm alternatives with the person that may be tailored to various situations.
*Often, we want to jump from Step 1 to Step 4. The more we focus on Steps 2 and 3, the clearer our feedback will be.
Contact us at if you wish to explore more ways to give feedback.
Nino Kovačević
Associate Facilitator
Barefoot Facilitation Inc.
Click below to download our free Feedback Planner Tool.