
#Barefoot4Barefeet is a collaborative sock drive hosted by Barefoot Facilitation, aimed to bring our clients, partners and more together to help collect new socks and other clothes donations for people in need.

#Barefoot4Barefeet 2023 Donation result: 466 Socks!

Wrapping up #Barefoot4Barefeet 2022

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our #Barefoot4Barefeet 2022 sock drive. Thanks to everyones kind generosity, we were able to raise 168 new socks for people in need.

We’ve summarized the journey and everyone’s contributions in our blog post Wrapping up #Barefoot4Barefeet 2022.

How can I help?

I’d like my workplace to join in and contribute:

Contact us at info@trybarefoot.com to learn more about how you can become a contributor in 2024. There’s no cost to join aside from setting up a donation box and tracking your results!

Process to join #Barefoot4Barefeet

Step 1: Complete the sign-up form by clicking the Join button below. There we will ask you for your workplace name, address, and details for a primary contact person.

Step 2: Once we’ve received your sign-up, we’ll follow-up with a full #Barefoot4Barefeet package that includes instructions, graphics and messaging on how to setup and spread the word about #Barefoot4Barefeet.

Step 3: Setup your donation box using the provided instructions and graphics, and you’re all set!

Step 4: Keep us posted about your progress and send us pictures to share and spotlight on our website and social media!

Step 5: Once we’ve reached the final week of the sock drive, we’ll ask you to tally your results and share them with us. Then you’re free to drop off your donations to a local group of your choice!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who will the donations go to?
We encourage you to pick a donation group local to you to drop off donations at the end of the campaign. Our clients reach far and wide across Canada and beyond, and we’d like this campaign to do the same!

How do I collect donations?
Simply setup any standard box for donations in a space that’s convenient for your workplace, and use the graphics/messaging included in the communications package we’ll provide you with to help label and communicate it amongst your staff.

When does the campaign start/end?
You’re free to start collecting donations as early as you’d like! The campaign ends the week of December 19th, when we’ll ask you to tally your results and send them along to us to compile. Once you’ve sent us your final numbers, you’re free to give them to your donation group of choice.

Can we collect more than just new socks?
The primary focus of this campaign is to collect new pairs of socks, however other donations are welcome. Check with your donation group of choice for any additional donations they may be accepting.

I’d like to make an individual donation:
Stay tuned for the holiday 2023 season when we’ll update our current collaborators and where you can drop off a donation.

Who do the donations go to?

All contributing workplaces will be donating to a local group of their choice. Our clients and collaborators spread far across Canada and beyond, and we’d like our sock drive to do the same! Ask a contact person at any participating workplaces who their donation group of choice is.

#Barefoot4Barefeet 2023 collaborators: