Our Blog

Below you’ll find plenty of great stories to fuel your conversations at work, or provide you with some tips and tricks that you can use to grow your skills.
Igniting Conversations Around Keeping Yourself Grounded When Presenting
May 2022: We’re testing new ways to share useful resources and spark conversations.We’ve created a Padlet wall surrounding the theme “staying grounded” with plenty of resources on managing anxiety and stress when it comes to presenting or fac
The ABC’s of Leadership
April 2022: Concluding a recent Leadership Excellence for Managers & Supervisors program with the Construction Association of Nova Scotia, we asked participants to take each letter of the alphabet and associate it with a leadership tip or trick t
6 Facilitation Secrets You’ll Be Shocked to Hear
March 2022: Barefoot Facilitation was founded in 2008 and over the years we’ve picked up tons of tips and tricks to add to our facilitation toolbox and boost engagement. Here are 6 of our top “facilitation secrets” that will help you shine as a
Barefoot Facilitation on Nova Scotia’s Standing Offer for Management Business Services
March 2022: Did you know that Barefoot Facilitation is on Nova Scotia’s Standing Offer for Management Business Services? We’re glad to be able to offer a wide variety of facilitation, team development, strategic planning and consulting services t
Get Ready, Get Set, Before the Virtual Doors Open
February 2022: In a recent online workshop, Gerard Murphy asked participants to list out anything they could do as a facilitator BEFORE the start of their virtual event or meeting that came to mind. There were a lot of diverse answers ranging from th
15 Tips to be Flip Chart Smart
February 2022: I had a client ask me recently, “Do people still use flip chart stands during training or facilitated sessions?” Of course, my answer was an enthusiastic YES!During the last two years many trainers and facilitators have leveraged n
7 Learning Snacks to Help You Rock It Online
February 2022: Is your workplace shifting more and more to the online space? Moving education sessions or events online? Are you spending hours in virtual meetings or facilitating online discussions? Barefoot Facilitation Inc.’s virtual Learnin
Tips to Boost Engagement during Virtual Meetings
January 2022: What if people left your virtual meetings celebrating the outstanding experience they’ve just had? That would be amazing, right? I’ve attended countless virtual events since the COVID-19 pandemic began. There have been man